An Italian story

Faced with a changing world that rediscovers the value of quality and sustainability in consumption, we have one main objective: to always maintain a high level of innovation in materials, products and processes, giving more and more space to products with low ecological impact that help to achieve energy savings in our applications. Thoughtful innovation, therefore, constantly aimed at safeguarding a fundamental resource such as water.
Constant commitment to the improvement of life and the environment, well summarized by our motto “Innovation and Water Technologies”: that is the ability to offer our customers all the advantages of products designed and built to better tap into the possibilities of intelligent materials and cross applications of many of our innovative products. All this in the context of a flexible, open, innovative company, projected onto global markets.

Mission and Values

Ours is a daily commitment. We want to pursue and promote a business model that integrates economic, social and environmental responsibility in all aspects of the company’s activities: we develop products suitable for the most diverse operating conditions, designed to meet very heterogeneous but compatible needs, giving more and more space to products with low environmental impact that help to achieve energy savings in our areas of application, constantly aimed at safeguarding a precious resource such as water.
We aspire to be more and more a point of reference in the industrial sectors where we operate, developing functional and sustainable products of high Italian quality for the global market and making the innovation of materials and production processes our added value.

Our Work

Integration and diversification are the main features that have guided our work for over thirty years, allowing us to offer products of high quality. We have developed and adopted a Quality and Environmental Management System in order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of processes, increase customer satisfaction, improve our performance and create innovative products in full respect of the environment.


corporate social responsability

The new scenarios of the global economy require manufacturing companies to reflect on sustainability issues, not only with regard to respect for the environment, but also to social policies, governance, safety and legality; topics that become axes on which to address the business strategy, and calibrate the objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in view of a new competitiveness.

Miriam Pace, General Manager

Ethical Code

Plastica Alfa, a leading company in the processing of polymeric materials made in Italy, performs at its best its task as a medium-sized company active in the production and marketing of products for plumbing, thermo-hydraulics, irrigation, fire protection, air conditioning and water filtration, paying constant attention to issues of efficiency and moral integrity of its work and actively contributing to the national growth and the territory in which it is located.
The elaboration and dissemination to its stakeholders and shareholders of the Code of Ethics and the Organizational Model (ex Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001) is the guarantee that the inspiring principles contained in this document are the actual guidelines for the management of the Company, carried out precisely in full compliance with the law and ethical correctness.
DOWNLOAD ethical code